Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Nicotine Addiction - An Overview

With every news report there is something about the harms of nicotine and how cigarettes are the new killer. Most offices, businesses and even restaurants have begun banning the use of cigarettes in and around their buildings. Some entire cities have ban smoking all together not only because the personal harms, but environmental as well. Those that suffer from nicotine addiction have trouble quitting with this being one of the toughest addictions to quit. The difficult feat of laying cigarettes or other nicotine products down is often discounted by others making the journey even more trying. Read on for more information about nicotine and what one, who is addicted, might expect or experience.
It Is Just A Cigarette Or Chew, What's The Big Deal
The problem with the fact that it is just a cigarette or chew is that it contains a deadly ingredient. Nicotine is derived from the leaves of the tobacco plant, but it is actually very poisonous. Small drops of undiluted nicotine can kill a person much faster than arsenic or strychnine ever thought about. Another part of the chemical makeup of nicotine is that it takes only seconds to cross into the brain and alter hundreds of neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain). This leaves the smoker or dipper with an increased sense of peace or 'awhhh', with the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that has been found to increase mood and control emotions within humans. So, products containing nicotine, being highly addictive, change the chemical makeup of the brain, therefore leaving the individual with a quick addiction that is very hard to quit.
What Happens When A Nicotine Addict Tries To Quit
Of the millions that smoke most express the desire to quit or reduce the amount of nicotine laced products that they ingest. However, only 6% of them are successful, through any cessation method that they choose. This is because within a few hours of the last signs of nicotine the body begins waging a war on the well intended victim. Symptoms are both physical and mental and are comparable to light withdrawals of their more illegal counterparts. Symptoms can include anxiety, cognitive deficiencies (can't think straight), changes in mood, increased appetite and cravings. Because these symptoms overwhelm most people and can last for up to two hours, the addict gives in. This is not an easy feat, just look at the statistics, only 6% successfully quit!
The Habit In Nicotine Addiction
Many people from professionals on down to the average citizen commonly refer to smoking and chewing tobacco as a habit. While the rituals associated with nicotine use may well be a habit, the addiction is far more than that. The only habits with smoking or dipping is the behaviors leading up to ingesting, lighting, purchasing, holding…get the point? When cravings are a part of the equation and the individual experiences any type of craving or discomfort while longing for the next nicotine fix, they are addicted. And, while there are no hard or fast rules as far as time lines, most people become addicted to nicotine products within a few months, not years like some claim.
Harms Of Nicotine
The harms of nicotine are quite lengthy, however here we will highlight the most common. These are the most commonly associated diseases of nicotine usage: • Heart disease • High blood pressure • Cancer • Trouble with the throat, esophagus, tongue, mouth • Increased risk of breathing diseases, COPD • Malnutrition
Can Addicts Quit?
If the person's heart is beating and they are breathing air on their own, they can give up nicotine. It takes education, support and a few days to rid of the changes that the nicotine has made within the brain, but it is possible. In fact, nicotine has left the bloodstream within 72 hours of the last ingestion. Withdrawals may be harsh for the first two to three days, but after that point the blood has returned and the body slows the desire for nicotine greatly. This is not to say that some will not experience the urge or craving because that can drag on for weeks, however with each day it diminishes. In order to quit, most people need an intervention. Either a family member or other loved one to stand by their side, supporting their desire to quit. There are many treatment options that individuals can try to help ease the cravings and withdrawals during this initial period. However, research has show that the most effective way to end nicotine addiction is to make a commitment within that it is a thing of the past and off limits.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Treatment Center That Promotes Long Term Addiction Recovery

Every treatment center should be in the business of promoting long-term addiction recovery. Unfortunately, that principle isn't always upheld. The fact of the matter is that many of the most high-priced rehab facilities in California focus on the short-term successes of their clients, mostly because those successes play well in online advertising brochures. But there's a difference between marketing on one hand and results on the other. If you're serious about stopping drug abuse and getting sober, you're going to have to find a place that can help you get all the way to where you need to go.

Cliffside Malibu embraces a long-term, holistic vision of the recovery process. Cliffside's exclusive drug treatment programs are designed to help clients develop the skills and stability they'll need to stay sober for the rest of their lives, with a particular emphasis on independence and self-empowerment. That helps to explain why so many of Cliffside's graduates achieve meaningful and lasting wellness. It should also leave no doubt as to which Malibu drug rehab center is the right one for you.

There are plenty of rehab clinics advertising their services on the Internet. Some of them make good on their promises of a successful drug treatment program. Many more of them don't. Given the stakes in the fight against drug addiction, you can't afford to learn that lesson the hard way. The licensed clinical experts at Cliffside Malibu can give you all the support you need on your journey to sobriety. In the end, it's hard to imagine that any gift could ever be more meaningful than that one.

If you'd like more information on this topic, please call 1-800-501-1988, visit our website at or contact us at

This press release may be used freely, provided that the resource box is included and the links are active. A courtesy copy of the issue or a link to any online posting would be greatly appreciated.
by Cliffside Malibu

What is the value of a private drug and alcohol rehab center to you?

Malibu rehab is special. There are more flowery ways to make that point, but none of them would change the fact of the thing itself: Malibu is unlike any other place on the planet, and Malibu rehab residents are treated to an ideal recovery environment. That's why so many of the world's most widely-respected treatment centers are nestled on the California coast. It's also why you shouldn't wait any longer to experience Malibu drug and alcohol rehab for yourself.

Alcohol Rehabilitation is always difficult - there should be no confusion on that point. Getting sober takes hard work, and the healing process will invariably try the will of even the most determined patient. But therein lies the true value of rehab facilities, and drug and alcohol rehab programs. Only by achieving meaningful peace of mind in a tranquil, secluded environment can you expect to successfully complete your recovery journey. And if you're looking for peace of mind, there's nowhere you're more likely to find it than in the Malibu hills.

California's best alcohol rehab center is situated in an exclusive private estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean. To arrive at the center is to escape the tensions and distractions of everyday life, to enter a world in which nothing and no one can stop you on the road to wellness. Going through drug or alcohol detox is often the hardest part of recovery, and having an environment like Malibu offers makes a world of difference. The only catch, of course, is that you have to be the one to take the first step. For your own sake, make today the day you finally do the right thing. Given the stakes, it's well past time you finally started walking.

If you'd like more information on this topic, please call 1-877-400-5594, visit our website at, or contact us at

This press release may be used freely, provided that the resource box is included and the links are active. A courtesy copy of the issue or a link to any online posting would be greatly appreciated.
by Alcohol-Rehab.Mobi

Drug Rehab for Prescription Painkiller Addiction

Drug Rehab for Prescription Painkiller Addiction One of the fastest growing drug problems in the United States involves prescription painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin. These powerful opiates are used by physicians to help individuals cope with pain associated with illness or injury. The Dangers of Prescription Drug Addiction When taken as directed, prescription painkillers pose little or no threat to the health of the individual. However, when these drugs are taken illicitly or abused, the results can be harmful and even deadly. Specifically, abuse of painkillers can lead to addiction, liver disorders, heart disease and overdose. OxyContin represents a particular overdose risk, as individuals tend to snort or sniff the drug, thereby receiving all of the active ingredients at once. This is an intense dosage of opiates which many people cannot handle. Many actually end up overdosing as a result. There are also a number of social problems associated with painkiller addiction as individuals will steal from friends and family in order to support their habit, or may engage in "doctor shopping" - falsifying illnesses to obtain more of the drug. Overcoming the Physical Addiction to Prescription Painkillers through Drug Rehab The first step in drug rehab is detox. Drug detox is the process of overcoming one's physical addiction to drugs by allowing the toxins to leave the bloodstream. Detox from opiate-based prescription painkillers such as Vicodin and OxyContin can be a difficult process. The individual is likely to endure a series of withdrawal symptoms as their body adjusts to life without the drug. These withdrawal symptoms are not life-threatening but may include: • Depression • Anxiety • Strong drug cravings • Mood swings • Sleeplessness • Chills or fever

Withdrawal symptoms during detox generally last for 4-6 days, depending upon the severity of the individual's addiction.

The Challenges of Prescription Painkiller Drug Rehab In addition to overcoming the physical addiction to prescription pain killers, drug rehab forces the individual to confront their psychological connection to drugs. In many cases, the mind is doing such a good job of "fooling" the body into thinking it needs opiates in order to function that the psychological component of addiction is a much higher hurdle to clear. That's why counselors working with those who have a Vicodin addiction or OxyContin addiction place such a strong emphasis on helping the individuals change their behaviors, finding positive activities to replace drug use. There are several hallmark elements of drug rehab counseling, including: • Examining the root causes of the painkiller use. In order to get a person to stop using drugs, it is important to first learn why they started taking them in the first place. • Teaching better decision-making skills. By helping the individual make better decisions, the counselor is lessening the chance that they will relapse once treatment is over. • Teaching more effective methods of coping with stress. Many people turn to opiate-based drugs as a means of escaping the pain they are experiencing their lives. Counseling at drug rehab facilities help the individual cope with stress in a healthier, more positive manner that does not include the use of Vicodin or Heroin.
by Scott Bernberg

California drug rehab centers

Brushing aside controversies, let us admit that drug exists in the society and the number of addicts has been increasing by leaps and bounds. The colorful glitters of the drug have been overcastting on the mind and body of people disastrously and a huge number of people erupt in wild jubilation after the schedule doze every evening. Ironically the magnitude increases and the stage come when they are to rush for drug and alcohol rehab programs.

The name, drug rehab, stirs a lot of people and some of them even feel that the California Drug Rehab Centers will be an ideal replication of jail or asylum. Such a concept is nothing but the stupid notion of ignorant people. No drug and alcohol rehab program aims at slapping a ban on you; rather, they try to offer you the most congenial environment, which inspires you adequately to survive in this world.

A person, who fails to accept the reality, often finds solace in several ways. Drug becomes one such solace for them when most of his close inmates drum up a scary environment for him. The cycle becomes devastating when they fail to recover from the initial jolts and they lose exuberance to initiate some brave efforts. California drug rehab centers have got many such addicts, who realize, but still fail to drill the drugs out of the fence by their valiant attempts. In most of the cases, hurricane spell becomes inevitable to make them ready to face the challenges of the professional and personal life alike with impunity. The drug and alcohol rehab program of Narconon Vista Bay offers a money back guarantee to the victims, who have undergone their programs. The experts find strong synchronization between such a splendid result and their unique proprietary 4-phase method of rehabilitation.

The caring guidance and candid advices help the drug victim to make a sensational debut once he comes back to the society and his profession. The phenomenal result of such drug and alcohol rehab program have helped graduate of Drug Rehab to propel a victory in their lives and the organization has been able to forge ahead in this competitive world. Battered by mushrooming drug and alcohol rehab programs, the unfortunate family members of the drug victim become more confused. The glitzy advertisements at times pull them to unscientific programs, which add fuel to the fire. Its better to be well informed before choosing the right one from the host of California drug rehab centers. You can easily find out the program credential and medical testimonial before deciding on the right one.

One must remember that drug addiction has become a dreaded social scourge. Drug needs to be considered as sin, but not the unfortunate victim, who wants to come out of the addiction sojourn and fails to find the right roadway. A drug addict is not an impediment; he is also a human being like you and me. Its a slight deviation, which has made him drug addicted. Drug and alcohol rehab program can reinstall you on tracks and even a drug addict has got every right to live in this society.
by Angie Manson

Narconon Northern California drug rehab is known for its success

Brushing aside controversies regarding mushrooming money making Northern California drug rehab centers, the number of drug rehab center has faced an overwhelming growth in the recent past. The radical growth has created a churning inside the commoners, as it tends to confuse people in general. Its best to go by the result as result comes only after a rigorous test of the processes or methods, the amenities, the expertise and the accurate of application. That's where Narconon Northern California races ahead in such a cut throat competition.

The continuous delivery of unmatched result in case of drug rehabilitation of Naroconon Northern California is authenticated by various several surveys. The independent Spanish study or American study just adds feather to the cap of Naroconon drug rehab program and brings the international recognition to the said Northern California drug rehab center. Moreover, such surveys have pointed out that its not just a jolt, even a drug victim has been proved to exhibit his resilience after 2 years after completing the program from them. In many cases, it has been found that the drug addict recovers temporarily because of the hurricane treatment provided by many Northern California drug rehab centers. Its a pride for Vista Bay that in most of the cases, it has been able to bring about permanent sobriety in the victim's lives.

When a drug addict approaches the Narconon Northern California , they surely take appropriate action to reduce the drug intake of the addict on a fire fighting basis. The main success lies in the continuous process, which does not only remove his drug residuals, but also can install confidence, self esteem and the ability to fight challenges of the modern world to clinch an emphatic win in life. The reality is that the Northern California drug rehab treatment process has found a revolutionary change with the emergence of Norconon, which had forced many conventional procedures to bid adieu. The series of internationally recognized processes and the accurate sequence become truly triumphant in the lives of the drug addicts.

Like the passive smokers, the numbers of indirectly affected persons have been dramatically increased in the recent past. In fact, an addict affects a lot of people directly or indirectly. A prolonged drug addict has been found to bring about drastic changes in the entire family and practically one drug addict can create a complete imbalance in the life cycle of the entire family. Narconon Northern California tries to find a complete working and acceptable solution so that once he routes back, the entire family can wait to herald a new dawn.
by Angie Manson

Drug or Alcohol - Narconon California Alcoholism Treatment

It's unwise to insulate alcohol addiction from malicious drug addictions. Most of the reasons, which force the addicts to drive to unveiled path of addictions, remain same for both. It is the society that creates a difference unconsciously as alcohol is hardly treated as sin in aristocrat society or even guardians try to find a solace that occasional drinks can hardly harm their inmates, instead, they will supply the additional energy and add the elegance to the portfolio of their children. Northern California drug rehab centers have been continuously soaring high against such a stupid notion of the ignorant people. All the concerned experts have always advised not to indulge in alcoholism as it can also cast a devastating impact on the people. We must learn that any type of intoxication seriously tells upon health and the leading Narconon California Alcoholism Treatment feels that we all should take an oath to formulate a strategy to annihilate such addiction from the world.

It's unfortunate that unlike other habits like cigarettes, alcohol and drug lures the class of people, who are much higher in terms of culture, education and social status. May be cost is the key factors which restrains the poor or uneducated class of people from showing luxury to such addiction. Narconon California Alcoholism Treatment center has found that its the set of intelligent and intellectual people who become more susceptible to drug and alcohol. It is the dynamism, which mainly triggers off the desperation for even a better future or profession among the higher class of the society. It is really scary that drug becomes even more powerful in the backdrop of creativity. The reason is simple that there lies tremendous creativity behind every successful person. Most of the Northern California drug rehab centers unanimously become vocal against sky high aspirations and the gap between the reality and high level of aspirations often generating frustration, which leads to drugs. The high level of aspirations often force the individual to land up in a dream land, where he loses his power to deal with unwanted situations. The reckoned leader in Narconon California Alcoholism Treatment has seriously observed that while attempting to leapfrog, they lose out their mental equilibrium. The deficiency between their existing rank or portfolio often becomes much lesser than their ideal one and they start suffering from tremendous depression. Such depression becomes disastrous and they try to stretch them abnormally, where alcohol or drug appears to be easily available restorative rejuvenator. The emotional people even become frustrated if they don't get their desired girl or guy.

Narconon California Alcoholism Treatment center is the place where the addicts can regain his mental strength and restart his journey in life with full spirit.
by Angie Manson